Direct Mail Campaigns Archives | PostNow
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FAQ Category: Direct Mail Campaigns

Here are the all frequently asked questions regarding Pricing.

How much is Canada Post flyer delivery?

Flyer delivery falls under Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail. Prices were updated for all flyer mailings as of January 13th, 2025. 

This is unaddressed ad mail and would cost $0.197 per piece, including transportation costs from Canada Post if it is under 6 x 12″ with a maximum thickness of 1 inch and a weight of <50g. Larger flyers, including magazine-style flyers like the Ikea Idea Books, are subject to “Oversized Neighbourhood Mail” rates.

Here’s how the standard $0.197 rate breaks down:

  • Postage Rate: $0.184 / piece
  • Transportation Fee: $0.013 / piece

A “Specified Delivery Start Date” can be added as a campaign option for an extra $0.01 / per piece. This guarantees that your flyer will not be delivered before a set date and is a great way to ensure you time your flyers for a specific sale/promotion.

Download the 2025 Neighbourhood Mail price sheet for complete flyer delivery pricing.


What are Canada Post transportation fees?

Canada Post adds a Neighbourhood Mail transportation fee to all campaigns not inducted into the exact depot(s) closest to your delivery neighbourhoods.

In other words, unless you are willing to drive your campaign mail pieces to a specific dropoff depot or depots for larger campaigns, you are covering the cost for Canada Post to distribute your campaign to the appropriate depots for final sorting/delivery.

This transportation fee is often why you will see a published Neighbourhood Mail rate of $0.18 / piece, but the final price is $0.192 when working with a mail house or Canada Post directly.

At PostNow we include the transportation fee in all campaigns automatically.

What costs are there with Direct Mail Advertising?

When budgeting for a Direct Mail Ad Campaign you should plan for the following cost categories:

  • Planning & Design Costs (labour costs, asset licences, etc. )
  • Targeting/Data Costs (databases, licences, software, labour)
  • Production Costs (printing, folding, inserting, bundling, etc)
  • Postage/Transportation Costs

Final costs can be controlled with proper planning and targeting.

What is the best value postcard size to send?

While you can send a 4×6″ postcard with Neighbourhood Mail, which will be the cheapest to produce, it does not offer the best value.

Larger postcards will grab more attention and drive more campaign engagement, making them generate more ROI. We find the best size to send is a 5.5×8.5″ postcard due to its production costs being highly efficient and its impact being strong in a pile of flyers.

What is the minimum number of pieces I can send with PostNow?

You can send as few as 150 pieces for any available direct mail campaign in PostNow.

Are there discounts on Neighbourhood Mail postage?

Discounts are available. To qualify, a customer must commit to a minimum spend of $10,000 annually per service. Canada Post will look at your marketing plan and budget to see if you’re likely to achieve the minimum spend before awarding you a postage discount. There are various tiers of discounts available. Please contact us if you would like an introduction to a Canada Post sales rep.

An example of $10,000 would spend would be:

  • 100,000 NM (approximately)
  • 20,000 PM (approximately)

Discounts start at about 20% and increase based on total volume. The commitments are in the millions of dollars spent/year for the largest available Canada Post discounts.

How to build a Neighbourhood Mail campaign?

  1. Create your free account at
  2. Your account will be verified and postage rates applied.
  3. Select Campaign Builder located under the SmartMail tab in the main menu.
  4. Name your campaign and select type of campaign (neighbourhood mail). Select the date you’d like your campaign delivered to Canada Post. Final in-home delivery will be subject to Canada Post delivery standards.
  5. Upload your own targeting data or select a previously used audience. Enter your campaign quantity (150-50,000). We included a chart to show you pricing options for the most common options as you adjust your total.
  6. Select your campaign format – choose from postcards, letters, invitations, and more.
  7. Choose a template from the template gallery, upload your ready-to-print files or request custom artwork from our in-house graphic designer. (All required template changes are included in fees, custom artwork starts at $295).
  8.  If you chose to Upload your Data, you will be prompted to either upload now or later. Click yes to clean your data, then select your data retention
    policy for this campaign.
  9. Select Generate Campaign & Checkout or Save Progress & Complete Later. If you choose to complete later you will receive a link good for 30
    days via the email you supply. You will receive email notifications confirming your campaign order, as well as any edits requested with custom or edited design work.
    **At any time during this process there is a Campaign Summary button located on the bottom right of
    the page. This will show any customizations to your campaign as well as a quick Help section if you have any questions. Click the button again to close.

We handle everything from: design, print, data cleaning, mail prep and delivery to Canada Post.

How much does Neighbourhood Mail cost?

Neighbourhood Mail is the most affordable type of direct mail you can send in Canada. The price of a campaign varies due to the cost of print and campaign production but postage rates are always the same, regardless of volume*.

Current Neighbourhood Mail postage rates for 2023 are $0.188, including transportation fees ($0.015/piece).

Check out our Neighbourhood Mail Budget Calculator for accurate pricing options that include postage, mail prep, design, print and transportation. A small campaign may cost $0.50+/postcard while a high volume campaign (10,000 households or more) will see significant reduction in print cost per piece ($0.15 each).

*If you spend more than $10,000 in Canada Post postage fees per year, you may be eligible for a discounted contract rate! Contact our team for information and a direct introduction to a Canada Post rep in your area.

For more information on Neighbourhood Mail and how to use it effectively, you can check out our Neighbourhood Mail resources.

How much does an audience cost?

Prices for a Direct Mail audience start at “free” and increase based on the dataset being accessed. Standard options for each mail type are listed below. More advanced data sets can be accessed from 3rd party providers like Environics.

Neighbourhood Mail Audience Options:

  • Canada Post Precision Targeter – free to use. Includes neighbourhood targeting based on combinations of up-to 3 demographic filters.

Personalized Mail Audience Options:

  • Use your own data – free. This includes PostNow doing basic cleaning of your data and running it through the National Change of Address (NCOA) to identify any bad records.
  • Canada Post Postal Code Name/Addresses – from $0.15/record. Use 6-digit postal codes to target all households within. Includes names and address data that can be printed by an Expert Partner. Not available for any other use.

Postal Code Targeting Audience Options:

  • Canada Post Postal Code Data. Included in postage. Use 6-digital postal codes to target all households within. A suppression list can be provided to remove existing customers from the final data.  Data includes address only, no names.

Is Personalized Mail the same as Smartmail Marketing?

Personalized mail is one of many options for smartmail marketing. Other forms of smartmail marketing can include: postal code targeting and neighbourhood mail.

See: Smartmail Marketing Campaigns ⋆ for more info on other smartmail marketing direct mail campaigns that we offer.

Are there discounts on Personalized Mail postage?

Discounts are available for contracts with Canada Post. To qualify, a customer is required to commit to a minimum spend of $10,000 annually per service. Canada Post will look at your marketing plan and budget to see if you’re likely to achieve the minimum spend before awarding you a postage discount.

An example of $10,000 would spend would be:

  • 100,000 NM (approximately)
  • 20,000 PM (approximately)

There are various tiers of discounts available. Please contact your Canada Post rep for more info.

Personalized Mail Guidelines

Here are a few guidelines if you’re considering using Personalized Mail:

  • There must be intent behind your campaign to promote a product, service, program, or event
  • Mail piece requires a 2″x4″ area for addressing and indicia purposes
  • The indicia can be customized but must be placed above and to the right of addressing
  • Minimum quantity of pieces: 150
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