Budget Your Campaign In Under 2 Minutes | PostNow
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Budget Your Campaign in Under 2 Minutes

You can quickly estimate your campaign costs using PostNow’s easy-to-use online tool. Here’s how you can budget your campaign in under 2 minutes.

1. Plan Out Your Campaign Based on How Many Households You Want to Hit or Your Budget

The first step in budgeting your campaign is to decide whether you want to target a specific number of households or work within a predetermined budget. This will guide your decisions on mail size, frequency, and overall campaign scope.

2. Hover Over “Direct Mail” on the Header Menu and Select “Direct Mail Pricing”

On the website, navigate to the header menu and hover over “Direct Mail.” From the dropdown menu, select “Cost of Direct Mail Marketing.” This will take you to the page where you can access pricing details for different campaign options.

3. Scroll Down to the Calculator on the Page

Once you’re on the Direct Mail Pricing page, scroll down until you find the calculator tool. This is where you can quickly estimate your campaign costs.

  • Toggle Between Quantity of Households or Budget: The calculator allows you to toggle between setting your campaign based on the number of households you want to target or the budget you have available. This flexibility helps you plan your campaign more efficiently.

4. Input the Number and See the Result Under Each Format and Type of Mail

After deciding on either the quantity of households or your budget, input the number into the calculator. The tool will then display the estimated costs under each format and type of mail, taking into account both postage fees and campaign rates. This gives you a clear picture of your options and helps you choose the most cost-effective strategy for your campaign.


Budgeting your direct mail campaign doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process. With the right tools, you can plan and price your campaign in just a couple of minutes. Start by defining your goals, use the calculator to estimate costs, and you’ll be well on your way to launching a successful direct mail campaign that fits your budget.

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